Monday, July 30, 2007

Entering the Bloggosphere Without Trepidation

Some may say, "It's about time", others "Where have you been", but even more..."Who are you?".

I lunge headlong into the blogosphere just eight years into my analyst career. Mostly because I feel like I have something to say and what better venue than a blog to push my thoughts. I've been employed as a research analyst since 1999, beginning with my early days at, "the that rates the Dot.coms". I watched the bubble grow and wither and managed to maintain my focus (except for that two-year gig as a boat captain), on what makes web sites tick and more importantly, what makes them succeed.

I welcome you to visit this blog to peruse my musings on web site technologies, analytics, site search, content management and endure the occasional fishing story. I look forward to writing often and hope that my efforts will educate, or at minimum, entertain.

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