Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Good One Google

Anyone else do a double take as they logged into a Gmail account today? They spoofed Gmail “Custom Time” allowing users to change the time of sent emails to delude recipients of the fact that you’re actually late on e-mailings. Gmail uses an e-flux capacitor to make the whole thing work. The purported functionality even makes it appear that the recipient opened the email placing fault into their hands. Brilliant! My deliverables are no longer past due!

Beta User Testimonials…

"The entire concept of 'late' no longer exists for me. That's pretty cool. Thanks Gmail!" Miriam S., Delivery girl

"I used to be an honest person; but now I don't have to be. It's just so much easier this way. I've gained a lot of productivity by not having to think about doing the 'right' thing." Todd J., Investment Banker

Nice one Google, you had me for a second there...

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